One of the main objectives at Ubix is ​​to increase the productivity of business processes, for that reason we offer a wide portfolio of tailor-made business solutions focused on the connectivity and technological integration of companies.

We maintain high quality standards services in order to guarantee that our clients can enjoy a comprehensive, reliable and high-performance connectivity experience.

We look to cover the connectivity, voice, and data needs of the main productive sectors in Mexico and Latin America.

We add value to the productive chain through our solutions in connectivity and telecommunication, based on the main technological trends in the world.

We strongly contribute to the development of communities creating cascading economies to improve the social status of our shareholders.

Become a leader in the industry of telecommunications, focusing on offering total connectivity solutions in Mexico and Latin America. 

We will set the standard in the adoption of new connectivity technologies across all our economic activities of Mexico and Latin America, thus creating an added value to the main economic sectors in the market. 

Our commitment is to offer you connectivity and technology solutions. Our values include:


It is the essence on which our operations are based. Integrity and transparency within our activities drives us to be a world-class company.

Social Responsability.

It is part of the main commitments within our work culture where we adopt an active and responsible position in the economic, social and environmental development of our community.


It is a main guideline in our negotiations, providing our interest groups with clear and objective information, in order to generate long-term relationships.

Added Value.

We believe in productivity, value generation and optimization of resources as part of our daily performance.


We look to cover the connectivity, voice, and data needs of the main productive sectors in Mexico and Latin America. 

We add value to the productive chain through our solutions in connectivity and telecommunication, based on the main technological trends in the world. 

We strongly contribute to the development of communities creating cascading economies to improve the social status of our shareholders. 


Become a leader in the industry of telecommunications, focusing on offering total connectivity solutions in Mexico and Latin America. 

We will set the standard in the adoption of new connectivity technologies across all our economic activities of Mexico and Latin America, thus creating an added value to the main economic sectors in the market. 

Core values


It is the essence on which our operations are based. Integrity and transparency within our activities drives us to be a world-class company.

Social Responsability.

It is part of the main commitments within our work culture where we adopt an active and responsible position in the economic, social and environmental development of our community.



It is a main guideline in our negotiations, providing our interest groups with clear and objective information, in order to generate long-term relationships.



Added value.

We believe in productivity, value generation and optimization of resources as part of our daily performance.

® 2023 Ubix. All rights reserved.


Nuestra tecnología permite que el servicio ofrezca una alta velocidad de navegación, en la banda Ka, con los más altos estándares de soporte para cualquier zona del país, conectando y mejorando la comunicación entre las empresas, como también disminuyendo la brecha tecnológica que existe en el país.