We offer a wide portfolio of customized business solutions focused on connectivity and business technology integration

4G network ready for 5G network evolution in México.

Business Internet in KA Band with the best speeds for remote areas.

Our technology will allow you to increase productivity and optimize costs for your company.

Ubix GTP (Global Traveler Plan) is a B2C data plan product for mobile phones in 190 countries worldwide.

Ubix is Technology Maximum speed Innovation

We integrate the highest technology in connectivity to provide a portfolio with the best coverage in all of Mexico.

We have highly trained technicians to cover the specific needs of our clients throughout the national territory.

business sectors

We have solutions tailored to the needs of your business


Caso de éxito: 7-Eleven México

  Con miles de tiendas esparcidas en la República Mexicana, 7-Eleven México se enfrentaba al reto de encontrar un servicio de conectividad con un ancho de banda lo suficientemente confiable y

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Blog EN

Satellite Solutions for Mining Industry

Whether in the industry of health, construction or finance; satellite internet has come to fill telecommunication gaps in the traditional services. On this occasion, we will talk about some of the

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Nuestra tecnología permite que el servicio ofrezca una alta velocidad de navegación, en la banda Ka, con los más altos estándares de soporte para cualquier zona del país, conectando y mejorando la comunicación entre las empresas, como también disminuyendo la brecha tecnológica que existe en el país.